Tarrazu region coffee plant

Costa Rican coffee - Tarrazú region

If you want some incredible coffee then look no further than the Tarrazú region of Costa Rica.  

Known locally as 'Los Santos' (because most of the cantons in the region are named after saints!), this incredible coffee growing region sits at heights of between 1200m and 1900m.

Spread across these altitudes are a multitude of small farms, with the average size of a coffee plantation in the area coming in at just 2.5 hectares.  

So what makes the coffee here so good?

First off, you'll find mostly the Caturra and Catuai varieties of arabica coffee grown here. These mature more quickly than most coffee plants and are disease resistant. They're also incredibly rich in flavour, making a cup of Tarrazú coffee not only delicious to drink, but consistently so each year!

In case you'd like some figures behind that claim, consider this. In Costa Rica, it's the hardness of the bean that determines the grade the coffee is given. Altitude plays a major factor in this. The highest-grade coffee is labeled Strictly Hard Bean or SHB and is reserved for coffee grown above 1,200 meters. Latest estimates are that nearly 95% of beans grown in the Tarrazú region fall under the SHB category. In other words, using beans from the Los Santos region is a pretty good indicator that you're about to drink something pretty spectacular. 

This is why we use beans for this region in our Turtlely Awesome Leatherback coffee. We feel they give the coffee that 'moreish' sensation (aka, one cup just doesn't feel enough!). 

If you want to try it out, why not try The Leatherback for yourself?  

Proceeds from our Turtlely Awesome coffee also go towards the Ostional Wildlife Reserve in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. Find out more about the turtle projects we support here.  

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